Women’s cycles


Regi­stra­tion: +393920274390 GIULIA +557591620796 ILENIA

For all women who want to know them­sel­ves more dee­ply and are wil­ling to immer­se them­sel­ves in the kno­w­led­ge of the femi­ni­ne, hono­ring the sacred­ness of the cycles of life.

“In the­se four days we will explo­re, touch and stu­dy the cycles, faces and pha­ses of wome­n’s lives and eve­ry­thing they move, in a jour­ney of rebirth and renewal of the femi­ni­ne from the dep­ths to the sur­fa­ce of the Earth. With calm and pre­sen­ce we will watch, listen, redeem our pha­ses of Woman, from Lit­tle Girl to Mother, from Mother to Wise Woman. They will be spa­ces of care and relief, of re-disco­ve­ries of the fema­le nucleus, which reforms and tran­sforms in the dar­k­ness, cares­sed by our desi­re to learn again what we have always kno­wn.

Kno­w­led­ge of being a woman on Earth…

An invi­si­ble ance­stral thread sup­ports us and throu­gh us tells her sto­ry, our life, expe­rien­ces, memo­ries.

An invi­si­ble dan­ce is dan­ced bet­ween our pha­ses with eve­ry move­ment and step. Let’s tell our sto­ries!

Let’s dan­ce our lives away! Let’s hold the line!”

Lisan­dra JanaÍ­na
Mid­wi­fe, Dou­la and guar­dian of the Cycles of Life

It accom­pa­nies the Cycles of Life, pre­gnan­cy, bir­ths, puer­pe­ra, fami­lies and women in cycle tran­si­tion
in Vale do Capão (Bra­zil),
whe­re she has lived for 19 years.

For 9 years you have been offe­ring cour­ses, expe­rien­ces, stu­dy groups and aware­ness spa­ces on Life on Earth, on the Cycles of Life and on Women in their many faces and pha­ses.

Raís Scar­ton

Mother, resear­cher of the body in move­ment and Butoh dan­ce. Crea­tor and arti­st of the An.danza body art pro­ject,

Gra­dua­ted in Psy­cho­lo­gy and spe­cia­li­zing in Biop­sy­cho­lo­gy-Body/­Mind Scien­ces

Dou­la appren­ti­ce in the path of tra­di­tio­nal obste­trics, she dedi­ca­tes her ser­vi­ce to the care of cycles invol­ving birth.

She is the guar­dian of the rites of pas­sa­ge and of the kno­w­led­ge, prac­ti­ces and ance­stral wisdom and medi­ci­nes of the Earth.

“I dedi­ca­te myself to the art of giving birth in dif­fe­rent aspec­ts, from the birth of the dan­ce of the body and its expres­sions, to being a Dou­la and guar­dian of cycles; I move to sup­port the con­nec­tion to con­scious living and a new cul­tu­re of birth on Earth