Nature Moves

Nature Moves, agosto 2024

From 10 to 15 augu­st 2024


With Tho­mas Kam­pe, Helen Spack­man and Fran­ce­sco Zita. This resi­den­tial sum­mer work­shop offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re soma­tic prac­ti­ces in a uni­que immer­si­ve natu­ral envi­ron­ment, the inten­se natu­re of sou­thern Puglia.

We begin each day with an attu­ne­ment prac­ti­ce to pre­pa­re for the explo­ra­tion of Crea­ti­ve Soma­tic Dan­ce in the open air stu­dio of Casi­na­Set­tar­te and in the red earth of Puglia. The three work­shop faci­li­ta­tors, Fran­ce­sco, Helen and Tho­mas, will share their vast expe­rien­ce in Fel­den­krais, Qigong, Cra­nio­sa­cral, CI & Part­ne­ring and the prac­ti­ce of Eth­no­gra­phic site-respon­si­ve as a resour­ce to acti­va­te a play­ful and orga­nic dia­lo­gue.

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts will arri­ve in the after­noon at 5pm on Augu­st 10th, the­re will be an after­noon ses­sion befo­re sha­ring the wel­co­me din­ner. We have plan­ned 5/6 hours of dai­ly prac­ti­ce in the dan­ce stu­dio and in the sur­roun­ding natu­re, we will also have time to go to the sea­si­de and visit the cha­rac­te­ri­stic vil­la­ges of the Itria Val­ley. It will be a joy to orga­ni­ze a par­ty with local musi­cians. The resi­den­cy will end with a final sha­ring on the mor­ning of Augu­st 16, and depar­tu­re is sche­du­led for 12:00.

Sin­ce the prac­ti­ce will also take pla­ce out­doors, it is advi­sa­ble to bring sui­ta­ble shoes and clo­thing

  • Tho­mas Kam­pe (UK, Fel­den­krais Method & dan­ce exploration)(PhD) has wor­ked as a soma­tic edu­ca­tor, per­for­ming arti­st and resear­cher across the glo­be. Tho­mas has wor­ked exten­si­ve­ly with actors and dan­cers in various cul­tu­ral con­tex­ts and is inte­re­sted in eco-soma­tic arts prac­ti­ces. He recen­tly co-edi­ted DSP Vol. 13.1 &2 (2022): ‘Embo­dy­ing Eco- Con­sciou­sness: Soma­tics, Aesthe­tic Prac­ti­ce and Social Action’. Tho­mas is a prac­ti­tio­ner of The Fel­den­krais Method® which informs his tea­ching of dan­ce-based prac­ti­ces and his sen­se of being in the world. The Fel­den­krais Method® was deve­lo­ped by Dr. Moshe Fel­den­krais (1904–1984) as a gen­tle embo­died pro­cess con­cer­ned with self-disco­ve­ry, well-being and impro­ved func­tion. It uses move­ment, sen­sa­tion & reflec­ti­ve expe­rien­ce as orga­nic lear­ning modes. Tho­mas co-direc­ted Body IQ Ber­lin Festi­val 2019 & 2021 and seve­ral eco-embo­died arts ven­tu­res in the UK and Ita­ly.
  • Helen Spack­man (IT, Moving from Site & Place)PhD) is a per­for­man­ce arti­st and asso­cia­te direc­tor of LEIBNIZ, the fluid Live Art col­lec­ti­ve that she co-foun­ded with long-time col­la­bo­ra­tor Ern­st Fischer in 2005. Over the past 30 years, she has deve­lo­ped a sub­stan­tial arti­stic and peda­go­gic prac­ti­ce, per­for­ming and faci­li­ta­ting work­shops inter­na­tio­nal­ly (in Chi­le, Gree­ce, Ita­ly, Swe­den and the UK) and tea­ching at various Uni­ver­si­ties in the UK. Hele­n’s com­mit­ment to the con­cept of per­for­man­ce as radi­cal peda­go­gy typi­cal­ly deploys site-respon­si­ve per­for­man­ce as an acces­si­ble and vibrant means of inter-cor­po­real and cul­tu­ral exchan­ge and rege­ne­ra­tion. Helen’s work is infor­med by Cor­po­real Mine, Expres­sio­ni­st Dan­ce, Butoh, Body­Wea­ther, and obser­vant wal­king. Her pra­xis remains dri­ven by the desi­re to keep lear­ning how to respond crea­ti­ve­ly to, and to sustain a min­d­ful and com­pas­sio­na­te rela­tion­ship with the ever-chan­ging worlds we tem­po­ra­ri­ly co-inha­bit.
  • Fran­ce­sco Zita (IT Embo­dy­ing touch inte­rac­tion) bases his tea­ching on prin­ci­ples ari­sing from Aiki­do, Tai Chi – Push Hands, Chi Kung, con­tact impro­vi­sa­tion, part­ne­ring, instant com­po­si­tion and body work. His stu­dio clas­ses focus on the part­ne­ring prac­ti­ces star­ting with basic Push Hands Tai Chi. We will prac­ti­ce groun­ding, spi­rals and flow into move­ment, inten­tion, con­nec­tion cen­tre-extre­mi­ty, moving without effort, explo­ring dif­fe­rent kinds of touch and weight, tuning with part­ners and envi­ron­ment, ener­ge­tic mas­sa­ge, enjoy­ing the unk­no­wn.

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